Whether we like it or not, snoops and stalkers are everywhere. From nosy coworkers and neighbors to stalkers and spies, you never know who may be watching your every move. In fact, installing spy microphones or tiny cameras in homes, hotels, offices, and even public bathrooms is all-to-common, and can lead to pretty undesirable consequences. The good news is that a lot of surveillance gear can be detected. With this in mind, here are just a few things to look out for next time you feel somebody may be keeping tabs on your movements.
Look Around
The first step is having a good look at your environment. Do you notice any changes? Is anything out of place? Has a piece of furniture or an object been moved for no apparent reason? Bugs are often placed in everyday objects such as pot plants or lamps. Also, it is a good idea to keep an eye out for small holes in the wall as they can be used to house a miniature camera or microphone.
Check Your Connection
Checking what devices are connected to your router can alert you to any potential irregularities. Unfortunately, in most cases, bugs that require the internet are connected to a hotspot or another internet source. As such, it pays to check the Wi-Fi networks around you, as any network that doesn’t come from your neighbors or a nearby business could be powering the surveillance gear. Alternatively, download the Fing app to see what devices are connected to your Wi-Fi network. Any device with the name of a camera manufacturer, such as Wyze or Arlo, is an instant red flag.
Scan for Wires
Most bugs run on a limited power supply, such as a battery. Since surveillance may require a more steady power source, check for any unusual wires and crowded power strips. Wires trailing from objects that don’t need a power supply, such as plants or bookcases, should be an instant heads-up that something may be amiss.
Invest in Scanning Tools
There are numerous scanning tools on the market that can help you check your environment for potential bugs. For instance, radio frequency detectors can be used to locate a spy device. Before doing your sweep, switch off all wireless devices, including laptops, smartphones, set-top boxes and routers. You can also scan your clothing for GPS-tracking bugs. Some more advanced bugs can hide their radio frequency. To locate these, you may need something called a nonlinear junction detector, a device that detects semiconductor electronics.
For a simpler and much cheaper way of scanning for surveillance equipment, turn off the light and use a flashlight to check for a reflection of a camera lens. In addition, you can use an infrared scanner to check for night-vision cameras. Alternatively, download an app such as Spy Hidden Camera Detector or Glint Finder to scan for camera lenses.
Stay on the Job
The fact that you didn’t find anything this time, doesn’t mean that you haven’t been bugged or have a good reason to be suspicious. As such, it pays to do regular sweeps of your property. Keep note of your results and compare readings over time to detect any irregularities.