Looking for tips and principles for successful landing page design? Searching for that magic secret, that one thing that will make your landing page a success? Congratulations, you’ve finally found it! In this article, we will present the most important rule of landing page design which will skyrocket your page’s conversions if you implement it correctly. Enjoy!
The science of business is a complex one. There are many components of a business, such as marketing, sales, dedicated technical support, corporate website design, and so forth. One of them is the landing page design. The science of successful landing page design is vast and encompasses many rules and principles, some of which are constant and some of which are everchanging.
But before you rush to hire a marketing agency and a software development company to build your landing page, there is one fundamental rule that you must learn by all means if you want to master the art of designing high-converting landing pages.
The Most Important Marketing Asset

This rule has everything to do with one key asset in marketing. Now, what is that asset? It is attention. That’s right, your customers’ attention. In the marketing world, attention is everything. It’s all binary and it determines whether you get conversions or not. Without attention, there are no conversions. Ensure that your products and the face of your business capture your customer’s attention. Having the right photographer can make a world of difference in today’s marketing world. If you’re looking for a professional photographer who can make you stand out from the crowd, EventPix has you covered.
Therefore, the very first thing you must have in marketing is the attention of your customers. However, it’s not just enough to catch their attention. You must also retain it. And when it comes to retaining attention, it’s a well-known fact that on average you have five seconds to catch and retain your website visitor’s attention.
Enter the 5-Second Rule

That’s right, all you’ve got is five seconds to explain your offer to a visitor. During these five seconds, a visitor decides whether to stay on the page and leave it. And if you fail to make them stay, then nothing else matters. It doesn’t matter how great your page is if you fail to take into account this rule. A good way to understand it is to look at the so-called “5-second test”. In it, users are shown a webpage for five seconds. Then they are asked two questions:
- What was this page about? What was its purpose?
- What is the call to action? What do they want you to do?
If your visitors cannot clearly answer these questions regarding your page, then you failed the test. Let’s review each of these two components of the rule separately in detail.
“What’s in There for Me?”

In the very first five seconds, your page’s visitors must clearly understand what your page is about and what its value is. The best way to do it is to use an attention-grabbing headline, a relevant high-quality image, a subheadline, and a CTA button or lead form (depending on the purpose of your page). All of these elements must clearly convey the page’s value to a visitor and lead him or her to the desired action.
“What Do You Want Me to Do?”

A landing page without a clear call-to-action is useless. The CTA, the desired action you want your visitor to take must be clearly understood by him or her in the first five seconds. Therefore, it must be included at the top of your page, preferably in the headline as this is what a visitor sees during the first five seconds.
Final Words
The attention of your customers and website visitors is your most important asset. As the practice shows, you have only five seconds to convince a visitor to stay on your page and explain what your page is about and what desired action you want him or her to take. Therefore, you must implement this rule in all of your landing page designs and use it next time you build or redesign your landing page.