If you look at most business marketing plans, there’s sure to be a section reserved for traditional marketing efforts like working with email. However, when you’re trying to get leads without a business marketing plan, you need to find ways to get ahead of competitors. Figuring out how to get leads is a matter of figuring out what gaps your competition is leaving.
Here are four tips to show you how to get plenty of leads without a business marketing plan.
1. Work with Social Media
When you’re looking for prospects, you need to go to social media first. While it might seem there’s a constant feeding frenzy there, it’s just a matter of fact that that’s where you’re going to find everyone you’re looking for. For decades, salespeople dreamed of being able to connect with prospects in the way that people connect with social media now.
Start off on LinkedIn with a professional-looking profile. Show off your approach with your photo and then with the people to whom you connect. Add people who you may have only met once but who you want to interact with online and even in business.
Post updates once in a while if you want to attract some more eyes to your profile. When you add a new post, people are more likely to see you in their feed. Post for help with a specific type of problem or post with advice that relates to something newsworthy if possible.
A thorough understanding of your target market and efficient marketing techniques are necessary for lead generation for solar businesses, which can be a difficult task. Using targeted keywords to increase visibility and search engine optimization on your website are two ways to draw potential customers. You can also use social media sites like Facebook and LinkedIn to connect with potential customers and promote your business. Lead generation can also be successfully accomplished through networking occasions and local alliances with other companies in the neighborhood. Offering free evaluations or consultations is another effective strategy for attracting customers and emphasizing the value of your goods or services.
Get some recommendations from some current clients. Ask for reviews stating how you perform so that people know the value that you bring to the table. While this doesn’t always generate leads, it can get a lead to convert when they see what kind of quality you offer.
2. Ask for Referrals
If you’ve got a current customer base, you could be getting referrals from them constantly. If your customers are happy, they’re going to be happy to let other people know how you’ve helped them.
Reach out to your best clients to have a brief phone call or an email. Ask if they have a few minutes and explain that you appreciate the working relationship and want to know how you can improve their experience. If they’re happy, ask what it would take for them to recommend you to someone.
Ask if they know anyone who could use your services as soon as today. Ask what they think makes this person a good fit for your business. If they can offer an introduction email, take that from them.
If not, when they give you the contact information, reach out immediately, including the person you contacted in the communication.
Send a token of appreciation to the client who recommended you so that everyone feels excited about the connection. The better everyone feels after, the more likely they’ll be to help you out again.
3. Use Your Own Network
One of the best ways to get a lot of traffic from people who already trust you is to reach out to your own network. When you use your own personal network, you get the chance to work with people who have some built-in trust. Rather than having to sell them on who you are and how you can improve their lives, you can have half of the work already done.
When you’re trying to come up with a list, think casually about all of the people you interact with throughout the month. If you have a faith community, a workout community, or a social community of parents who take your kids to soccer, think about talking to them. You could be sleeping with a huge group of people who will support you.
Think about where you can talk about business. you don’t want to spring business on people who are just trying to have a good time. However, you don’t want to miss any opportunities so bring your car to exchange with people as you go out and meet them.
To mix your personal and professional lives, you need to use a little bit of finesse. Don’t hit your friends and acquaintances over the head with a sales pitch but be honest about your interest in their business.
You can make the connection to your peers or the persons you have interacted with earlier. These interactions can be from any earlier interactions like physical, on-call, or through ringless voicemail. If you’ve not used it so far, you may create ringless voicemail agents and start looking for the options.
4. Revisit Connections
Over the course of your professional career, you’re sure to meet lots of people who already know who you are and what your company does. You might have invited them to a talk, or demonstration, or have met them at a convention. If this is the case, reach out to them again.
They might have changed their interests or might be ready to engage with you. You never know what people are interested in or are going through, so reach out to people who you’ve lost touch with to see how they’re doing.
Your connection might be the one that converts them over to being a diehard fan of what you do.
Consider these to be new prospects, even though you’ve already invested in them. They’re better than new leads because they’re already warmed up. All you need to do is to hit them with the right promotion at the right time and you’ll win them over. When marketing to a qualified lead, you save time and money.
You don’t need a marketing plan if you’ve gotten yourself out there already, so just work your magic and reconnect with people you’ve met in the past. When marketing to a qualified lead, you just need to be straightforward and honest.
Learning How To Get Leads is Easy
Figuring out how to get leads is one of the easiest parts of building a sales funnel. The real hard part is figuring out how to convert the ones that you’ve been working on for a while. However, once you get the hang of what they want, it’s not that hard.
If you want to build landing pages that convert your audience, check out our guide for tips.