4 Advices for the PMP Exam Prep

The process of PMP exam prep varies from person to person. After deciding to apply for the PMP exam, everyone should arrange their time and learning plans according to their…

Sidharth Sidharth

5 Benefits Of Site Mapping

Some people believe that sitemaps are unnecessary, while others consider sitemaps as vital for any website. However, the latter is true. A sitemap that is created with a clear-cut objective…

Sidharth Sidharth

How to Secure Your WordPress Site from Hackers

The online world is filled with possibilities. You can communicate, shop, or make a living through it. WordPress being the most popular, free, and open-source content management system, is used…

Sidharth Sidharth

Backblaze Cloud Storage Options: Secure and Restore Business Data

Cloud storage for business data storage has emerged as a serious consideration for businesses of all sizes. With rapid changes in technology and industry dynamics, more organizations need to focus…

Sidharth Sidharth

Digital Relevancy: Does Usenet Have a Place in Today’s Social Media Era?

In today’s digital era, some of the best ways to digitally communicate with one another is by way of a “comment,” “tweet,” “like,” or “share.” Social platforms like Facebook, Instagram,…

Sidharth Sidharth

Understanding the Basic of Graphic Facilitation

Graphic facilitation means using images and words to outline the conversation that leads a person towards an action to take. This visual process is conducted by an expert facilitator or…

Sidharth Sidharth

The Micro:bit – What is it Exactly?

The Micro:bit is a small-sized computer that has been designed to make coding fun and easy to learn. But what is its purpose and what can we do with it?…

Sidharth Sidharth

How to Optimize WordPress Content for Pinterest

Pinterest is a unique social media platform, often described as a visual search engine. Because of its broad audience and visual media sharing capabilities, it often presents itself as a…

Sidharth Sidharth

How to Convert MOV to MP4 Easily and Quickly?

If you are also an iOS user, you might have hundreds of MOV videos because it is the default video format for iPhone and iPad. MOV also exists in many…

Sidharth Sidharth

8 Ways to Measure User Experience for Your Website

Are you a small business owner? If so, then you understand the need to have a professional website. After all, in the modern business world, there's simply no excuse for…

Sidharth Sidharth

How are IoT devices improving the Building Automation Industry?

What is the Internet of Things (IoT)? IoT is a network of detectors, sensors, devices, and other tools to send and receive data. In other words, IoT is a network…

Sidharth Sidharth

How to Create Shop Signs & Displays to Entice Customers

Photo by Tim Douglas from Pexels In a time where so many people are shopping online, retailers need to find effective ways to catch people’s attention and bring them in store. One of…

Sidharth Sidharth