The era of digital transformation is essentially characterized by a structural change in companies through the application of custom software development services and the incorporation of digital processes that guarantee their evolution into a new era.
This transformation represents an opportunity for companies to improve not only their performance, but also the way they relate to customers, thus ensuring better results and making them more competitive in the market.
Being a concept that has been imposed on today’s society, it is important to understand that this is a determining method for the evolution of companies, which through technology now have a resource for streamlining processes, allowing not only to analyze the behavior of customers as well as directing the actions of all departments.
In this sense, digital transformation is based on a series of pillars and trends that culminate in a succession of practices whose understanding is fundamental for companies to monitor technological advances.

Pillars of Digital Transformation
The adaptation of both companies and their mindsets to the emerging technological scenario is a primordial necessity for progression in the market and, as such, this transformation within business is based on three distinct pillars, namely:
Internal processes
For this transformation to be put into practice successfully, it is extremely important that not only efforts are invested in digital culture but also that it is implemented and understood by all custom software development company departments.
In this way, the adoption of agile methodologies as well as automated processes between different sectors constitute key elements for optimizing tasks in pursuit of common objectives, reducing costs and time.
Customer Experience
Knowing and understanding the profile of customers is essential for them to remain satisfied with the services provided and, at the same time, to find the most appropriate interaction channels for the development of companies in the digital era.
In this context, monitoring their journeys from the attraction phase, through nutrition and up to the moment of purchasing decision, are efforts that not only allow customers to become loyal but also transform them into company promoters .
Business Models
In the digital transformation process, it is important to monitor changes in current consumption habits, seeking to benefit from constant technological advances through adjustment, innovation and restructuring of companies’ business models.
Analyzing which channels customers are on, which are the most effective ways to reach them and which tools to use to optimize performance are preponderant aspects towards digital transformation.
Digital Transformation Trends
Investing in digital transformation and adapting companies to the reality of the current market requires knowledge of the various existing trends, the main ones being presented below:
Big data
Based on data analysis and its subsequent transformation into action plans, big data makes it possible to understand customer behaviors and preferences regarding companies’ digital channels, allowing not only to make the necessary adaptations for success but also achieve an advantageous position in the market.
Marketing Automation
Marketing automation makes it possible to improve the customer experience through the collection of data relating to them, enabling the adoption of individualized and personalized contact by companies, with a wide range of tools that can (and should) be used for this purpose. .
Business Intelligence
This strategy’s main objective is to carry out an in-depth analysis of the performance data collected, such as in big data , contributing to the identification of customer behavioral patterns as well as monitoring them in real time in the sales funnel.
Artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence combined with machine learning technology is one of the most important elements of digital transformation, enabling automation and efficiency of business processes in and change the way companies implement their strategies
Digital Transformation Practices
Achieving digital transformation consists of a complex process that requires complete immersion in new digital environments, which is why it is important to be aware of the practices necessary to keep up with global demands.
In this way, based on both its pillars and its trends, it becomes feasible to outline a digital transformation map, which contains the essential steps for the reconversion of companies for a new era, namely:
Mindset – Analyze the impact of digital transformation.
Tools – Evaluate which tools exist for greater effectiveness.
Processes – Restructure current processes around digital tools.
People – Adapt the practices implemented to support the mindset.
Digital – Transform services through digitalization.
Expansion – Using digital to explore new business models.
Performance – Promote commercial performance through online content.
Partnerships – Use digital media to rethink strategic partnerships.
Loyalty – Ensure that customers feel like they own the brand.
On an increasingly globalized planet, managing and embracing increasing software development service advances is essential to keep companies agile and competitive in the current market. The era of digital transformation should not be viewed as the mass adoption of new information and communication technologies but as a digital revolution in the business world.

Author Bio:
Glad you are reading this. I’m Yokesh Shankar, the COO at Sparkout Tech, one of the primary founders of a highly creative space. I’m more associated with digital transformation solutions for global issues. Nurturing in Fintech, Supply chain, AR VR solutions, Real estate, and other sectors vitalizing new-age technology, I see this space as a forum to share and seek information. Writing and reading give me more clarity about what I need.