Big data has brought with it the need to have qualified people who can analyze the data and extract valuable information from it. But that is not the end of it. You also need to present the result of the analysis in a form that can be understood by everyone. This is where data visualization becomes a part of your job profile.

In today’s job market, the most common words you will encounter are data scientist, data analyst, data visualization engineer, business intelligence engineer, etc. All of these have one thing in common. They are all about manipulating and interpreting data. They are also about data visualization. All the job posts mentioned require you to have at least some basic data visualisation with Tableau training.
Getting a Tableau certification can really boost your career and here are the ways in which that can happen.
Better Pay Package
The average salary of an employee with Tableau certification is around USD 110,000 per annum. This is not a small amount by any means. This is also just the average. The salary can also be as high as USD 153,000 per annum. This makes it a really well-paid job and is also the main reason many opt for data visualisation with Tableau course.
Recruitment to Top Companies
Do you dream of working for some of the biggest companies in the world? Well, companies such as Facebook, Sony, Amazon, Google, Bank of America, Deloitte, General Motors, etc. are just some of the firms that are currently looking for employees who are good at Tableau. Working in a reputed company comes with its own perks. They offer a certain level of job security in addition to the increased pay.
Get a Promotion
If you are trying to enter the management side of the business, then this is one skill set that will definitely give you an edge. Since visualization is used to make important decisions on a regular basis, being well-versed in Tableau will only work to your advantage.
Enhance Your Skills
There are many roles such as that of a data analyst or a data scientist, that are not purely about visualization. But good visualization is an important part of their job profile. Without it, they may not be able to communicate their findings with others in an effective manner. Similarly, even business intelligence analysts need to use visualization tools as a part of their job.
So, even if you are not looking for a job specifically in the visualization field, getting data visualization with Tableau training can help you do your job better.
Work In the Industry of Your Choosing
Jobs that need data visualization are a part of almost all industries. Here are a few examples of this.
- News channels and print media regularly use visuals, charts, graphs infographics, etc. to compare results, situations, etc. Most of the online news sites have some form of interactive visual that the readers can explore.
- The healthcare field can benefit from data analysts who can use vast amounts of medical data to help doctors and patients with many issues.
- Digital marketing is all about knowing what your audience wants, measuring the effectiveness of the campaigns being run, gauging the reaction of the customers to certain products based on their behavior, and using all this information to boost sales. Visualization is needed at every step of this process.
- The transportation logistics industry could really benefit from analyzing the existing routes and figuring out the shortest and most cost-efficient route for delivering goods.
- Many areas of research involve collating the data collected from different sources, analyzing it, and coming to certain conclusions or finding solutions based on the analysis. After this, the findings need to be presented in an easily understandable manner so that everyone can benefit from the research. Therefore, Tableau becomes an important part of the process.
- Many businesses, especially smaller ones, find it easier to hire a freelancer for data visualization. You get to work in different fields this way and expand your knowledge about each field.
Get Data Visualisation with Tableau Training Today
From all the points mentioned above, it’s clear that you can greatly benefit from data visualization with the Tableau course. You’ll catch the attention of every data science recruiter, which means you can get a better salary, a better job position, and work in the industry of your choice. This is an incredible value addition to your resume and even more so when you get your training from an internationally recognized training center. Choose wisely and watch your career soar.