Lately, questions like “How to become a graphic designer?” and “How much does a graphic designer earn?” have become increasingly popular. Some so many people want to learn graphic design, whether for personal reasons or because they want to start a stable and enjoyable career.
Whatever the reason, some conditions need to be known by those who want to learn how to make graphic design. If you are one of those who want a career in this field, then you have come to the right place!
At the beginning of this tutorial, we will discuss the matter of the profession (specialization) of a graphic designer. I will present all the general information you need so that you can prepare yourself to learn all the ins and outs of graphic design. After that, we will also discuss the technical part of the learning design.
I will tell you the main skills you must possess to become a graphic designer. Then after that, we will discuss each skill more thoroughly. Finally, we will discuss the main reasons why you should consider career paths as a graphic designer.
Therefore, let’s start this tutorial by describing a graphic design based on a career perspective. Even though you may already know basic information about this profession, you can refresh your knowledge before we discuss the main criteria for the requirements to become a graphic designer.
First and foremost, graphic design is a creative profession. As the name implies, graphic designers are responsible for making specific design drawings and on-demand. This design drawing is usually a website display, poster, application user screen specifications, and so on. As you might assume, this profession has a broad set of tasks. Each of these tasks depends on the request of the company they work for.
As a graphic designer, you will have two major choices: you can work in a company, or work as a freelance worker. This choice is one of the advantages of working as a graphic designer. You can choose to work alone or work in a team. Therefore, you may find that there are different requirements when we talk about the essential skills of a graphic designer (this difference will be discussed in the next section).
Whether you work alone or in a company, one principle you should know is: that those who want to learn graphic design must pay close attention to their communication skills. Regardless of what graphic designer you choose, you should be able to negotiate ideas with clients, find a compromise, and of course, do what you have planned.
Thus, we already have basic information about what we will face going forward. Now we will address the main question – how do you become a graphic designer? – by discussing the main requirements so you can get this job.
How to Become a Graphic Designer?
You might find out by itself, it’s just that there are different requirements if you want to be considering becoming a graphic designer. We will not discuss all the requirements (there will be no end!), Instead, we will only discuss the most significant aspects so you can work as a graphic designer.
In this tutorial, we will discuss three aspects: education, motivation, and experience. Let’s discuss education first.
- Education
Education is important ( duh … ), as well as design learning education. Even though most companies are becoming increasingly flexible in finding employees, the right education remains one of the most important requirements so you can work in the graphic design field. There are two ways you can fulfil these requirements.
First of all, you can look for formal education. Formal education is one of the most common requirements held by graphic designers. You can go to university or college, enrol in the design faculty, study hard and poof! – You graduated as a graphic designer. Even so, it turns out this process is not that easy.
One of the most important aspects of your education is the portfolio. During your time studying graphic design, you need to devote a lot of time (VERY MUCH time) to expanding your collection. Portfolios are the most important part of your CV. Every time there is a graphic designer following a job interview, he will be judged based on the contents of his portfolio of design drawings. Remember this carefully!
What’s more, if you study graphic design at a university or college (and you are very eager to learn how to become a graphic designer), then you need to participate in many seminars, contests, “outside the classroom” lessons (or something similar-like) as much as possible.
That way, you can practice your graphic design skills, and also your name will be increasingly known by others. Both seminars, contests, and workshops that provide certificates for you are a great way to add to the contents of your CV. If a company sees that you have participated in graphic design activities, then they will consider it. But this section will be discussed further in the motivation section.
Another alternative to get a graphic design education is self-taught learning. Self-taught design learning has become a new phenomenon for people who want to become graphic designers, especially those who plan to work as freelancers.
One of the best things about learning self-taught graphic design is that you can plan your lessons according to your abilities and schedule. You can even start stealing work as a freelance worker directly. If you decide to take online courses, you can flexibly determine your study schedule. That way, you can freely learn additional learning materials that you want.
Even though the situation and conditions are vastly different compared to five or ten years ago, many companies are becoming increasingly flexible with employee recruitment regulations.
If there used to be many companies that required the recruitment of university graduates, now it is no longer. Your character and personality are as important factors as your skills and portfolio, so don’t be ignored!
- Motivation
Even though motivation is very subjective to analyze, still the motivational factor is as important as the other requirements discussed in this tutorial.
If you find out how to become a graphic designer, then you will find that the motivational factor is a broad topic. Motivated doesn’t just mean “want to do something”. A motivated graphic designer is someone who constantly sharpens the side of creativity and imaging. Being a graphic designer means being someone who can think original and unique to perfect self-image.
This combination is a principle that is very difficult to implement. Sometimes you will be in a situation where you like your design idea, it’s just that the concept does not “sell”. That is why motivation that can rotate 360 degrees is very important. You must be able to rule out graphic design ideas that fail and are ineffective, then look for new ideas.
Your motivation will be very visible when you take a job interview. If your prospective boss is someone who is already very experienced in this industry, then they can quickly and easily see if you are interested in working and learning to become a graphic designer.
Motivation is not lost after the job interview is finished. After becoming a graphic designer, you still have to prove yourself (and also stay motivated) to your boss. The company you work for will always pay attention to your behavior, whether it’s through a simple task or a test system. Whatever it is if you fake your motivation … well, you will have difficulty going forward.
In conclusion, if you want to become a graphic designer, then you must know that motivation isn’t just “wanting to do something.” Motivation is to do “something” based on passion.
- Experience
Finally, let’s talk about the experience. Usually, people who want to learn graphic design are people who have no experience at all. At least, the assumption is like that.
Although often people associate “experience” with “work experience”, the association is not always true. You can become an experienced graphic designer just by participating in many activities. Activities such as seminars, courses, projects, workgroups, and so on are also included in the “experience”.
At this time, there are so many job positions aimed at those who are just beginning graphic designers. This job might not be your dream career, and it might also be a small salary (compared to other positions). It’s just that the job position is very suitable if you are looking for experience. You will start slowly, and then begin to perfect your skills and knowledge.
Finally, those who want to learn graphic design must also know that working freelance is also considered a valid experience process. Of course, your skills must reflect your experience. Most companies will assume that you are a disciplined and responsible person if you can work as a freelance worker. This assumption is formed because most people who cannot work as casual workers are those who cannot arrange personal schedules and practice self-discipline.
So, you already know all the important aspects of being a graphic designer. Now let’s discuss the reasons why many people choose graphic design as their career.
Why Become a Graphic Designer?
There are several big reasons why someone can have the motivation to learn graphic design. The main reason that usually arises is the creativity factor needed for this work. A graphic designer must be someone creative. Creativity encourages artistic people to be able to feel how their work is published and seen by many people.
What’s more, if you’ve learned graphic design, then there is a big career path that lies ahead of you. You can set your schedule because graphic design is one of the jobs that can be done from home.
If you don’t like working in teams or in the office, then don’t worry! Working freelancing is a common situation for those working in the design field. Even so, you have to work very hard to be known by others. If you work freelance, then you need extra effort to build a reputation when compared to working in a company.
Which tool can you use to do graphic design?
After using so many designers, I think designcap is the best tool. You can try it:

At this point, you already know all the important information to become a graphic designer. You also know this profession. I hope that this tutorial provides the information that you are looking for. I also hope that you are ready to begin your journey in the graphic design career path. Good luck with what you do!