The search engine is a path for us to walk in this digital world daily. Your almost answers are on your fingertips now. Just a click away or you can just say it to Alexa. There are many search engine exist but Google is the topmost search engine right now. Approximately 3.5 billion searches take place every day (in 2019) on google. And it is about 2 trillion in 2020.
Well, this is no more secret now that, to capture most of the audience we have to make sure our business appears on google. And all SEO (search engine optimization) experts are trying hard for this. That is why user loves google and SEO expert love to hate Google.
The fact is Google takes care of both user and digital marketers. Google has created some wonderful free tools to achieve your marketing goals. Let’s list them below.
- Google AdSense
Google AdWords Keyword Tool
Google Alerts
Google Analytics
Google Blogger
Google Blog Search
Google Webmaster Tools
Google Calendar
- Google Insights
Well it hard to cover all in one blog since all are wide concepts, so we will concentrate on Google Analytics. Before that let’s see the term digital analytics.
Digital analytics-
It is a core skill of analyzing data and depending on that study designing new strategies to secure your business growth. This includes data analysis, a new strategy, KPI’s, and new goal setups. And here we not only look for the web but also from other digital platforms like mobile apps, desktop, or social media platforms, etc.
Google Analytics is one tool of digital analytics like Adobe Analytics, Kissmetrics, etc.. As we all know google is the leading search engine across the world, digital analytics is focused on google. That’s why you can find some people refer digital analytics equal to google analytics.
This same as someone riding a car without knowing traffic rules, which might lead to stuck midway. Since cars may get changed but the road and traffic rules will remain the same. But no wonder google analytics is a great choice.
What is Google Analytics –
Google Analytics is a digital analytic tool that offers you manage your website-related data in one place. This data is useful for your upcoming strategies of marketing. You calculate your previous growth and can decide the right framework for the future.

Let’s see some of the top advantages which are offered by google analytics
Shows your most important data-
You can create multiple data types on the first view of the dashboard after login if want to see more than one type of data you have to set up the dashboard accordingly.
Google Analytics allows you to set up multiple dashboards too, which contains different widgets.
This awesome feature you get here since it became very easy. And selecting a data range facility adds extra choco chips to your cake.
Tracking the growth of campaigns
If you run any online campaigns, it may be social marketing or local, you can track its performance here. For this need to create an advanced segment profile according to your campaigns. Just add your domains, whichever you want to track and you are ready to see your successful campaigns.
Visitor location tracking
Any product or service has different demands in different localities in different time zones. Which is connected with your supply. Thankfully google analytics offers us this filter, just go to the visitor’s menu and select a location and you will see your visiting audience’s location, average time, bounce rate, etc.
Best pages of your website
With this, you can analyze which pages of your website are attracting more visitors and making them stay longer on your website. This very important feature when you are looking to improve your site according to generate more ROI. since most of the stages we build to land visitors on our site, so it became crucial when they don’t stay or find our site interesting.
Know your drawbacks
If you are looking for growth then it is equally important that you are aware of your drawback. Since the need to replace or correct that. After the content menu, you will find exit pages. These are those pages probably your visitors exist. Here you can find what is not relevant to your visitors due to which they just exist.
Final words-
Knowing a tool is important but understanding the goal for it is makes you a smart user. If you go through a time series analysis of digital marking you see different stages where many tools come into the picture with use. So decide your goal and keep moving forward.