Is There Money in E-games? Yes, Millions

What do the University of Akron, Georgia State University, and Miami State University have in common? They are among the growing number of educational institutions that now offer varsity esports…

Sidharth Sidharth

How does Content Marketing improve your website’s ranking?

Source Content continues to be the reigning king in the world of SEO. After all, whether it be a search query, a video, or an infographic, content is at the…

Sidharth Sidharth

Figuring out the best terminal emulators

Are you familiar with the term terminal emulator? Well, a terminal emulator can get termed as a software application that helps in replicating the functionality of a classic computer terminal.…

Sidharth Sidharth

7 Effective SEO Techniques That You Should Try in 2024

SEO techniques are here to stay in 2024, and they are not for the faint of heart. From the rise of visual search to optimized featured snippets, Google passage ranking,…

Sidharth Sidharth

How to Get Ready for Negotiating Your First Offer as a Developer

Congratulations. You're getting ready to negotiate your first job offer. As a developer, you can look forward to varied and interesting projects with a higher-than-average pay compared to other careers.…

Sidharth Sidharth

Diesel Watches: What Makes This Brand Worth It?

Watches have been part of our lives since the time it was invented. A handy tool we humans need to know the time. Having it wrapped in our wrists makes…

Sidharth Sidharth

What To Do If Kindle Doesn’t Work?

There are at times when you will see that the Kindle won’t connect to WiFi or there might be some other issues. Well, in order to resolve these issues, there…

Sidharth Sidharth

An Overview of the Process of Demand Forecasting: How To Do It

No matter what industry in which you operate, you have to prioritize customer service. That is the only way you are going to make an imprint in your market. In…

Sidharth Sidharth

Women’s Month: Clothing and Articles for the Emerging Woman

Louisa May Alcott was right when she said, “The emerging woman… will be strong-minded, strong-hearted, strong-souled, and strong-bodied… strength and beauty must go together.” The history of women has been…

Sidharth Sidharth

4 Payroll Tips You Should Know for Your Startup

Building a startup from scratch comes with an unmistakable sense of achievement. Whether you are developing a software solution or a unique product, the thought of bringing your vision to…

Sidharth Sidharth

8 Luxury Watch Brands That Every New Watch Enthusiast Should Know

One of the best ways to start a life milestone is by owning something priceless and elegant, and one of which is a luxury watch. If you are one of…

Sidharth Sidharth

Top 7 Social Media Marketing Apps in 2021

If you want your social media marketing to be effective, investing in the right apps and software is essential. Targeting social media is the initial step for most business owners,…

Sidharth Sidharth