It doesn’t matter whether you run a small business or a big one or you provide any kind of services such as WriteZillas provides writing services. To attract customers, you need a good business profile. Let’s take the example of the competition between Dunkin’ Donuts and Starbucks. We know about their infamous rivalry, but at the end of the day, they both serve coffee to their customers.
Did you notice something? They both have an impressive, unique, and strong business profile that attracts people around the globe. The best part is that people love to debate on these topics, claiming one coffee brand to be better than the other.
For a minute, assume that you don’t know about the rivalry between Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts. You searched both of them on Google and found their company profile statements:
Everything we do is about you. From chefs who create exciting new flavors to crew members who know exactly how you want your drink—we prioritize what you need to get you on your way. We strive to keep you at your best, and we remain loyal to you, your tastes, and your time. That’s what America runs on.
*copied from Dunkin’ Donut
Our Heritage
Every day, we go to work hoping to do two things: share great coffee with our friends and help make the world a little better. It was true when the first Starbucks opened in 1971, and it’s just as true today.
*copied from Starbucks
Did you read the above paragraphs? Check their persuasion level; you must be thinking about giving their coffees a try. Do note that it is not only the language but also the font type, size as well and colors. Let’s explore other companies’ business profile examples.
1. Nordstrom
If your company has a lengthy as well as interesting history, then you should create a visual timeline. In that visual timeline, you will talk about how you started from a small scale and ended up making it on a large scale. Nordstrom did the same, and it attracted many customers. If you read their profile carefully, you will find a creative story from the beginning line.
“In 1887, John W. Nordstrom, at 16 years old, left Sweden for the United States.”
*Copied from Nordstrom
The timeline is like you are reading a story with some visual graphics. The timelines act as a reminder of Nordstrom’s history, growth as well and stability.
2. Diehl Group Architects
In case you are looking at the cleanliness and ease of use, check out Diehl Group Architects‘ company profile. The amazing part is the uniqueness of their company profile. They made small clickable boxes that are hyperlinked to different topics. In other words, they fill the topics in boxes, and if you click on them, they will redirect you to a page where you can find all the information in detail.
In addition, focus on the page’s background, which shows a floor plan that shows the company’s purpose. It is a great innovative idea to market their product.
3. Delta
You can also create a well-organized, showcased company profile as Delta did. Furthermore, Delta’s company profile contains a short meta-description under each category. The designs are clickable, which means when you click on them, they will pop up, and you can learn about them in detail.
In short words, Delta’s company profile is uncluttered as well as simple. It contains all the important information to show why Delta is the best choice for customers.
How You Can Write a Good Company Profile
Remember the keyword is uniqueness! If your company profile is unique, then it will surely attract many customers. You can check the above examples of the company profile, or you can even search other companies’ profiles.
You need to come up with new ideas that will attract customers, but we can help you to make a company profile. Below is the company profile template.
Company Profile Template
- Name of your company
- Established date
- Address
- Contact information such as phone, email, etc.
About Us/ Our Story
In this paragraph, you need to introduce your company to the readers. At the beginning of the introduction, explain to your readers how you found your company as well as what is the mission, vision, and objective of your company. You don’t need to add products or services in this paragraph, but you need to tell your readers how you stand out from other companies. Moreover, tell them your story in an entertaining way.
In case you didn’t describe your mission in the introduction paragraph, then you can make a new paragraph in which you will explain your company’s mission.
Our Team
Just a short paragraph is required to describe your team. You can focus on leadership or teamwork skills which will explain your company’s culture.
Our Products
Last but not least, in this section, you will describe the product. Explain what kind of product you are selling and, the most important point, how it will benefit the customer’s life. If you want, you can add a link to your product page to keep the section relatively general.
Company profile plays a very important role in the branding and marketing of your services or products. Remember, the keyword is making it attractive. Even if your product or service is amazing, but your profile is dull, then it will lose your customers.