There’s no denying that SEO is one of the most important considerations to think about when it comes to maximizing the reach of your business and optimizing your market strategies. The further up the SERPs you can get, the more successful you’ll be.

However, when it comes to something standard like writing a blog post, how can your business be proactive in optimising that piece of content to perform to the best of its abilities? Today, we detail the five essential elements you need to be thinking about.
1 – Keywords are Key
While the days of keyword stuffing have long gone and you’ll actually find your content is punished for such a practice, the art of embedding keywords is more important than ever before.
When writing your content, write with a primary keyword in mind, and then think up some related secondary keywords. These keywords need to be relevant to your material, and the sort of term your target audience will be searching for.
2 – Mobile-Friendly Content is Essential
Nowadays, it’s predicted that around 75% of all internet traffic is now progressed through mobile devices. This means approximately 75% of all your internet traffic is coming through mobile devices, which goes to show the importance of having optimized mobile content.
For your next blog post, you need to ensure you’re your text is broken up into nice, easy-to-read paragraphs, your images are, so they don’t take too long to download, and everything fits nicely on your screen.
3 – Think About Link Building
If you don’t know what link building is, you’re missing out. Throughout your text, you need to make sure you’re linking to authority websites in your industry to show Google that you’re connecting to high-quality and relevant sources of information.
There’s a lot to think about when it comes to link building, and this resource can help. However, as a rule of thumb, use between 2-4 high-quality links in relevant places to give your readers a better experience when reading your content.
4 – Define Your Target Audience
When writing your blog posts, you need to make it crystal clear that you know exactly who you’re writing for. The more information you have on the ideal demographic, the more effective and relatable you can make your post, and therefore, the more chances there are for them to click through your sales funnels.
Defining your target audience means you’ll be able to laser-target your focus onto the language you’re using, the tone of voice of your blog post, the style, the format, and tick all the boxes of what’s expected when people click on your content. Of course, you’ll be talking to 50-year-old business owners far differently than you would 22-year-old single women, for example, which is why this point is so important.
5 – Provide Value to Your Reader
When readers come to your blog post, they come because they’re looking for value. They’re looking to be inspired. They’re looking to answer a question. They’re looking to be better than they were when they first clicked.
While it can be tempting to load up your blog post with sales lingo trying to benefit your business, this is going to put a lot of people off, and when they’re gone, they won’t come back. Always aim to provide value first, and sell second. This will decrease your bounce rate which moves you up the SERPs.
As you can see, there are lots of points to think about when it comes to writing your next blog post to an SEO-optimised standard. Make sure you’re taking your time and experimenting with what works best for you and your business.