Cybercrime is a real threat to any business, and whether you own a corporate giant or a one-man band, your critical data can be stolen by hacking into your network. Not all cyber-attacks are successful, and without monitoring network activity, you wouldn’t know if a hacker was attempting to breach your online security.
Network Security
If you haven’t already joined forces with information security service providers like CXO Security, you should remedy this as soon as possible, as the cyber security expert will set up a system that monitors all network activity, and any unknown files are immediately quarantined and you are notified. Monitoring network activity is one of many areas the cyber-security expert can help to protect your critical data, and they can carry out a series of penetrative tests, to see if there are any weaknesses in your network security.
Be Aware of All Network Activity
If you are aware of all network activity, you can see who is doing what. Network monitoring software can tell you:
- Who is online
- What websites are being visited, and for how long
- What devices are connected to the network
- What data is being shared
- All downloads and their locations

Aside from all of the above, network monitoring will identify suspicious traffic and can also track its origin. This information can help to identify hackers, and with that knowledge, you can protect your network more effectively.
Invest in Cyber-Security
If you really do want to be sure your data is protected, you should join forces with a leading cyber-security provider, who can implement numerous practices that will ensure your data is protected at all times. Once you have partnered up with a good cyber-security firm, they will offer you 24/7 support, and any malicious traffic is immediately quarantined, thus protecting against a hack.
Penetrative Testing
Your cyber-security provider would carry out some penetrative tests, simulating a real attack, and should any be successful, that door can be firmly closed. The IT professionals who protect online data must be as clever as the hacker, if not more so, and they employ a range of strategies to try and penetrate your network protection, using old and new hacking technology.
Educating your Employees
It is vital that your IT staff are well-versed in best practices, otherwise, they might unwittingly allow a hacker to get the info he needs to penetrate your online defenses. If your staff use their own personal devices (smartphones and tablets) to access your network, this could easily lead to a breach. You should implement a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy, whereby all personal devices must follow a protocol before accessing the network.

It is essential that you monitor all network activity, and the best way to do that is to enlist the help of a leading cyber-security provider, who can put into place a number of systems that monitor, identify, and quarantine any malicious files. It simply isn’t worth the risk of leaving your network unprotected, and by talking to a market leader in cyber-security, your data will always be protected.