To ensure the quality of articles published on our platform, we kindly request that you adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Length and Format: Articles should consist of a minimum of 700 words and be submitted in the .docx file format.
  2. Meta-Description: Please provide a meta-description of 155 characters that effectively summarizes the article and includes the focus keyword.
  3. SEO Optimization: Articles must be properly optimized for SEO, including the appropriate use of focus keywords and keyword density.
  4. Images: At least one relevant (copyright-free) image (size- 1200 by 675 pixels) should be included in the article, properly embedded or attached, and accompanied by an appropriate alt-tag.
  5. Plagiarism Report: A plagiarism report must be provided as an attachment to the article.
  6. AI Content: We use AI content detectors and any drafts containing such content will be promptly rejected.
  7. Internal and External Links: We do allow a maximum of 5 links inside an article; 2 links from your side, 2 high-authority external links, and 1 internal link.
  8. Articles featuring lists, headers, bullet points, and/or other engaging formatting are preferred.
  9. Articles should be unique to TechBii. They should not be published elsewhere online.

The article should have the following structure:

Main Heading – H1

Subheadings – H2

Inner headlines (if any) – H3

Sub inner headlines (if any) – H4

Conclusion – H2

Link Policy

Please note that links pointing to a domain that is offering any sort of paid services or products will be automatically converted to nofollow. Dofollow links are subject to a charge unless the link is being placed to a personal blog, non-profit website, or high-authority domain.

We do allow a maximum of 5 links inside an article; 2 links from your side, 2 high-authority external links, and 1 internal link.

If you’re looking for a sponsored post with dofollow links, please refer to our Advertisement Opportunities.

Before submitting, please note:

  • We maintain the right to lightly edit your article (i.e., fix spelling, grammar, sentence structure, formatting) and choose a post title that we feel best fits my blog and audience.
  • We maintain the right to reject submissions or request that you revise & resubmit to tailor the article to my audience. (You maintain the right to refuse, of course!)
  • Depending on the rate at which I receive submissions, we may not be able to publish your article immediately upon acceptance. we will share a proposed publishing date with you before we confirm your submission.
  • By contacting us with your submission, you represent and warrant that your article is your original work and does not contain any objectionable or libelous material.
  • Our editors reserve the right to edit and adapt your guest blog content. They may update it in the future for accuracy and comprehensiveness. We also have the right to include external links inside your content, without affecting the existing links.
  • After the article is indexed by search engines, it will remain on the site; however, we can remove any links contained within the post if requested.

Submit your pitch

Use our Contact Us page to get in touch with us with the following:

  • Formatted subject line: “Guest Post
  • Your completed post or pitch in a Google Document with editing permissions turned on for “anyone with the link.”
  • Make sure the images are compressed and add them to the Google Document and provide proper attribution below each image (e.g., image source).
  • Optional: Short author bio, headshot, and any links to your LinkedIn or Twitter account you’d like linked.