Some people find more techniques to achieve tremendous success in life. Some even end up doing unethical practices and see themselves becoming more productive, despite defying work ethics and standards. Most people miss out on the basics, like being one step closer to success by organizing oneself.
Since PDFs are the most versatile file format that works well with device types and operating systems, we will discuss how to organize them further. PDF files are well-known for their more compact features and keep your content intact. For more efficient PDF management, you will need to learn and understand the potential of GoGoPDF.
How To Split Your PDF Pages
One of the best ways to manage your PDF files is by learning how to split PDF pages online through GoGoPDF. If you find your PDF containing too many pages have unnecessary pages involved, you’re probably thinking of detaching them. However, you cannot do so without the tool.
Especially if you do not have a desktop or laptop on hand, making these kinds of changes is quite challenging. GoGoPDF is the free online tool you can use for this problem. Maximizing the PDF split function allows you to separate pages and save them individually. If you find irrelevant pages from your base document and individualize them, try this:
- Open your most preferred browser and go to the GoGoPDF home page. Click on the “Split PDF” option.
- Upload the PDF you want to detach pages from and wait for a few seconds as it uploads.
- Choose whether you are going to do a simple extract or split 1 PDF into many.
- Select the pages you want to individualize and click “Extract.”
- Your task is now complete, and the separated PDFs are now ready for download.
Just for additional information about your document’s privacy, GoGoPDF follows the highest consumer privacy standards and ensures that your files are kept confidential. Whether you are uploading an ordinary or top-secret document, your file is saved within your visuals only. Their secure SSL connection and 128-AES encryption ensure full file security.
Making PDF Compilations
Another way to manage your PDFs efficiently is by making a compilation out of them. Previously, we have tackled how to separate PDF pages. Now, we will learn how to merge them into a collection. This action is most recommended for professionals who handle too many PDF files on one device. It is time to get rid of your messy folders and clean them up.
If you have noticed that your desktop or specific PDF folders are overloaded with PDFs, it is a wise decision to compile them as one instead. Again, combining PDF pages is never easy unless you have an efficient PDF tool like GoGoPDF. As long as your device has a good internet connection, you can merge all of your PDFs:
- Proceed to the GoGoPDF home page and click on the “Merge PDF” function.
- First, drag one PDF to the merger tool and choose whether you are doing a simple or more complex PDF merge.
- You will now proceed to the part wherein you can add more pages for your compilation. Keep on uploading your files, then click on “merge PDF.”
- Your newly combined PDFs are now available for download. Copying its file URL is also an excellent choice for social media or webmail sharing.
File Size Minimization With PDF Compress
You probably know that webmail platforms have limited capacity in uploading files, correct? Even with the most famous Gmail, YahooMail, and Hotmail, limited uploading and sending capacity is a common issue. Although we did mention earlier that PDFs are naturally smaller in size compared to other file formats, is it possible to reach the webmail limitations?
Yes, it is. PDFs with various high-resolution images could also result in a large file. You can use PDF split to deplete its file size. However, it might not be enough, or you might end up losing the important details. PDF compress is the best option for you to shrink your PDF’s size without compromising necessary contents.
Versatile PDF Converter Tool
So PDFs are naturally less-editable than others; how do we make vast amounts of alterations with them, though? GoGoPDF’s versatile PDF converter tool is the solution. For instance, you have received a PDF from another user and find that most of your document’s contents differ somewhat from your objectives and contains inaccurate information.
How do you manage them? If you want to make drastic alterations as if you are making them from scratch, then converting them to their most well-suited format is the best move! Use the GoGoPDF PDF converter as you can transform your PDF to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, JPG, PNG, and PDF/A.
With the vast set of GoGoPDF tools, you can now rest your worries about scattered PDF documents and manage them effortlessly.