Are you familiar with saddening statistics regarding startups? Did you hear that nine out of ten startups end in failure? Chances are you’ve already heard it all and decided that numbers don’t matter. Being an entrepreneur in this day and age is certainly a huge challenge, but if you’re committed and dedicated, you will likely beat statistics and thrive.
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The best way to avoid disasters when starting your small business is to learn from the mistakes of others and pick up useful tips and tricks. We’re here to help you out with the latter with our list of business tips:
Find your niche
This is where most entrepreneurs realize that they’ve made a mistake. You don’t want to go too broad and start something like a general business because then you will struggle to understand exactly who your audience is. This, in turn, will put a stop to a lot of your other strategies. On the other hand, being too specific isn’t overly helpful either because you’ll have a hard time widening your audience and reaching out to others. You show your audience be able to remarket and re-approach your customers over the years, so try to find a niche that’s popular all year long (targeting just Christmas or Halloween won’t get you too far in spring).
Make a great business plan
If you’re naturally disorganized and a procrastinator, your small business won’t get far. Being organized, staying on top of all your tasks, and planning like your life depends on it are skills and traits that will help you survive and thrive in challenging entrepreneur waters. A solid business plan is a wonderful starting point because it allows you to look at your strengths and weaknesses objectively. What is more, a well-written business plan is something you can always go back to when you feel like you’re losing motivation and running out of ideas. If possible, try to anticipate difficulties and problems and come up with as many solutions as possible. It’s easier to do it when you’re not burdened with a million other work-related matters.
Polish your marketing strategy
Your market lives breathe, and changes constantly, and so should you if you’re hoping to thrive. Your marketing strategy should be thorough and solid, and you should always appear professional and composed. You need a professional-looking and fully functional website, and profiles on popular social media platforms. Your website and social media should include high-quality corporate headshots, our contact information, as well as the useful and relevant content for your clients (and potential clients). You can even write guest blog posts and articles for relevant websites and spread the word about you and your business.
Never stop thinking about customers
Let’s be honest for a second here – your clients are going to be your number one focus. When you are able to keep them happy, they will want to come back and work with you/buy from you again. This is the reason why your customer service should be one of your top priorities from the very beginning. Customers disappointed in your products and services, or your approach, will not just remove themselves from your business but likely spread the word to others in the process. The key is to always empathize with the customer. Of course, this can be difficult when they are rude and hostile, but remember to always remain professional and respectful.
Keep your day job
You might feel ready to become an entrepreneur and already plan to quit your office job to get started. However, you might want to reconsider this scenario and approach the matter with a cool head. Becoming a full-time entrepreneur isn’t all fun and games, and in case things become slow with your startup, there is no safety net in the form of your ‘regular’ job to keep you afloat. To be fully financially dependent on an emerging small business is a huge risk, and you should avoid that kind of pressure and stress, at least in the beginning. When your small business grows, and you start making a lot more money, you can quit your day job and focus on growing your side business, but don’t do it before you’re ready.
As disheartening as it can be to think that all your hard work can be in vain, know that you can prevent it from happening. By being well-prepared and informed, you’ll easily avoid some of the most common entrepreneur mistakes. This, however, doesn’t mean that you’ll get off the hook and shoot for the stars immediately. Knowing how to navigate the complex waters of entrepreneurship is immensely helpful, especially when you’re just starting.